
Auto Graph 13

Date: 24-May


Yesterday after so many days I cried.
I cried a lot. I was completely lost in dilemma.

I was not able to think properly.
What should I do? I loved Rajesh a couple of years ago but he didn’t, at that time.

Now he loves me but I love Niru.
Rajesh wants to settle down in life and he wants me to be with him.

Niru has not planned something of that sort,
he is just going to complete his MBA first and then will think of getting settled.

Rajesh , he is of my age, very much mature;
whereas Niru is younger, a bit of immature but that suits his age.

Rajesh, my family knows him very well and will be ready perhaps eager to include him in as my husband;
whereas Niru, I haven’t told anything about him to mom or dad yet.

But I love Niru a lot, probably more than I used to love Rajesh in college days.
How should I make a decision?

Based on feeling for love or based on my future,
the practical aspects for my life? Where should I go?

Oh god, please help me.
I need you immensely.

Please please,
help me make the decision.

Date: 30-May


Last few days just flew past like a stormy wind.
All those processes I had to undergo in order to leave the company,

just because I wanted to pursue better career in MBA rather than staying here and stagnating.
A few more days and I am off to achieve my dreams.

Just the problem is, I don’t want to leave her, my love, my secretary.
I really love her.

Since when my infatuation turned into love was unknown even to me.
I don’t want to leave her but I can’t even stay here.

Even I am doing MBA in Mumbai not even here in Pune.
Will she wait for me for at least 2-3 years which I will need to complete MBA and get settled?

I have said good bye to everyone, it was not that difficult;
but it’s definitely not the same with her.

I don’t know whether I will be able to say her good bye and how I am going to do that.


I have made my decision.
I don’t know how to convey it but I will have to do it.

One of the two hearts is going to get broken but there is no any other way.
I have made my decision and I’ll stick to it.

Oh god,
please give me strength to bear everything.

next episode is the last one....
any guesses... what will happen... in the last episode......

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