BEST Bust Transport Service in Mumbai
Sr.No Particulars
1 Information about Bus Pass Scheme
2 New Fare Structure and its Features
Bus Pass Scheme in detail
The Undertaking has introduced RF-ID based ID Card cum Bus Passes for its esteemed
commuters. The ID Card cum Bus Pass will be issued at the authorized Point of Sale (PoS) of the
Undertaking. The details of the scheme are as under:-
i) Distance-wise bus pass values (on Km basis)
Fare (Rs.)
Monthly Quarterly
2 4.00 200 550
3 6.00 240 660
5 7.00 280 770
7 8.00 320 880
10 10.00 400 1100
15 12.00 480 1320
20 14.00 560 1540
ii) Fixed Amount Passes
Type of Pass Monthly(Rs.) Quarterly(Rs.)
Magic Bus Pass (Non-A.C AllOver)550 1500
Global Express (Non-A.C.) 800 2000
Diamond (King Long)-All Over 1500 4000
Diamond (Express)-All Over 2000 5500
Note: -
1. Magic Pass (All Over):- This pass is valid for entire bus operational area. This pass is not
valid on Express, Corridor Express and Air Conditioned Bus Routes.
2. Global Express (All Over):- This pass is valid for entire bus operation. This pass is not
valid on Air Conditioned Bus Routes.3. Diamond-A.C.(All Over):-This pass is valid for entire bus operation of the undertaking,
including King Long Air Conditioned Bus Routes. This pass is not valid on Air Conditioned
Express Bus Routes.
4. Diamond Express-A.C(All Over):- This pass is valid for entire bus operation, and for all
types of services including Air Conditioned Express Services.
5. Bus Pass for Senior Citizens:- The rates will be at a discount of Rs.25/- & 50/- for monthly
and quarterly passes respectively, except Global Express, Diamond, Diamond Express
Bus Passes.
6. Bus Pass for Students :
Students Bus pass
Duration Upto S.S.C. 11th & 12th Std
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Monthly 90 190
Quarterly 270 570
Dedicated Trips for Students Upto SSC:
Type Of Bus Pass Monthly
Upto 10 Kms within MMC Limit 120 360
Above 10 Kms within MMC Limit 220 660
Upto 10 Kms beyond MMC Limit 250 750
Above 10 Kms beyond MMC Limit 350 1050
(Valid between residence and school/college throughout the operational period)
7. Dedicated Trips for Corporate officials (Monthly Passes)
Type of Bus Pass
Within Municipal Limit Beyond Municipal
Upto 10 Kms 650 1500 900 2000
Upto 20 Kms 900 2000 1200 2500
Upto 30 Kms 1200 2500 1500 3000
Upto 40 Kms 1500 3000 1800 3500
Above 40 Kms 1800 3500 2000 4000General Rules & Regulations of the Scheme:
The Bus Pass will be an electronically validated card (RF-ID CARD). All the Bus Passes will
be issued at the authorized centers during the specified timings on cash payment only.
Distance based Bus Pass will be issued to the commuter on demand for travel between
any two valid destinations of his choice up to a distance of maximum 20 Kilometers. The
commuter can opt for maximum two travel patterns for distance up to maximum 20
kilometers for each travel pattern.
Fixed amount Bus Pass will be issued to the commuter on demand, which covers our
entire bus operational area.
Distance based Bus Passes are valid only on Ordinary, and Limited Services. Fixed amount
Bus Passes are valid on the specified category of services only.
Commuters can renew the Bus Pass 7 days in advance as well as on the day he wants to
commence his journey using the Bus Pass on any day during the month. The date of
commencement of the pass could be any day of the month.
The ‘Monthly Bus Pass’ shall be valid for a period of one month, & ‘Quarterly Bus Pass’
would be valid for a period of 3 months. Validity period would be computed from the
date of commencement of the journey recorded on the Bus Pass.
Any number of changeovers en-route, between the opted destinations, is permitted for
all the Bus Pass holders. There shall not be any restriction on the number of journeys
between the opted destinations.
The Bus Pass holder (other than global pass holder) if desires to travel beyond the
destinations specified on the pass, he would be allowed to purchase an extension ticket
from the conductor on board equivalent to the regular ticket fare applicable for the
extended journey distance.
The Bus Pass holders, if carrying chargeable luggage, would be charged appropriate
luggage fare for each journey.
No preferential treatment regarding boarding out of queue or through front exit door or
any other nature whatsoever shall be given to the Bus Pass Holder and he would be
treated on par with other regular ticket holders in all respects except for the Senior
Citizens who by the virtue of the Senior Citizens I-Card issued by the Undertaking would
be allowed to board the buses from the front exit door.
The Bus Pass holder shall not be entitled to any refund for any journey or part of journey
not undertaken by him on any day for any reason whatsoever. The Bus Pass is not transferable under any circumstances.
The Bus Pass found to be misused is liable to be confiscated irrespective of the balanceunutilized period without refund of any charges.
The Bus Pass will be treated as invalid in case not readable through the validating device
of the Undertaking.
A Bus Pass Holder found traveling without a valid Bus Pass will be treated as a ticket less
passenger and will be liable for penalty as per the rules in force.
In case of lost bus pass, the commuter has to get new bus pass by paying all the
applicable charges. The remaining validity period of the old bus pass will not be carried
forward on the new bus pass.
In case of damaged / defective bus pass, the commuter will be issued new bus pass on
returning the old damaged / defective bus pass. Applicable charges would be levied on
the commuter for issuing new bus pass. The remaining validity period of the old bus pass
will be carried forward on the new bus pass if the remaining validity period is more than
15 days.
Issue of Bus Pass by the Undertaking does not mean any assurance towards guaranteed
level of bus service and no claim whatsoever will be entertained towards trips not
undertaken in the event of irregular operations, strikes, stoppage of work, dislocation of
bus services, war, breakdowns, act of god etc.
Administrative Fees of Rs.5 at every instance of fresh issuance / renewal of Monthly Bus
Pass, & Rs.15 at every instance of fresh issuance / renewal of Quarterly Bus Pass would be
charged at the time of issuing / renewing Bus Pass.
The RF-ID card issued will be property of the BEST Undertaking. One Time charge of
Rs.20/- would be charged to the commuters for issuing new RF-ID card.
The students concessional Bus Pass scheme is available only for the students above 12
years of age, and below twenty years or students studying up to 12
Any matter / dispute whatsoever concerning the Bus Passes will be decided in absolute
discretion by the General Manager or any other Officer authorized by him in this behalf.
The General Manager shall have the discretion to make any additions / deletions /
modifications in the rules and conditions governing the scheme of Bus Pass without giving
any reason / notice to the Bus Pass holders and the rules / conditions so modified shall be
binding on the Bus Pass Holders. The Undertaking may withdraw or discontinue or modify or alter the scheme of Bus Pass
without any prior intimation. However, due information will be given through leading
newspapers for the information of the pass holders.
The procedure for the issue of Photo ID cum Bus Pass at PoS is as under:
1. Please visit the nearest Point of Sale (PoS). For renewal of existing bus passes please visit
4 days in advance for getting new RF-ID based bus pass.
2. Furnish the required details on the application form available at the PoS, and hand it over
to the operator at the counter. In case the commuter is already having active Smart Card
issued by M/S Kaizen, the card no. & paper ID should also be informed.
3. The operator shall arrange to capture the photograph at the location.
4. The commuter has option of submitting copy of the photograph if desired so. This facility
can also be used in case the commuter himself cannot visit the PoS.
5. The commuter is required to give the details of type of bus pass required to the operator
so as to work out the charges as applicable to the commuter. The charges will include the
cost of ID card, fare as applicable & administrative charges. For the present Smart Card
holders, including students, having active smart card in working condition and security
deposit paid, the cost of ID card shall be waived in lieu of the refund due out of the
security deposit paid for it.
6. On confirmation from commuter, the amount due shall be collected by the operator and
a provisional receipt for same shall be issued. The commuter is required to check the
details, and the due date for receiving the new RF-ID Card from the same PoS.
7. On the due date the commuters are required to deposit the provisional receipt & active
smart card (for present Smart Card holders only) at the same PoS where the photograph
was captured / deposited on the due date as indicated on the receipt.
8. The ID card cum pass shall be activated as per type of bus pass selected and handed over
to the commuter along with the final receipt. In case of present smart card holders if
smart card found defective / damaged or not deposited along with the provisional
receipt, additional charges for new issue as applicable shall be collected.9. The commuter should get confirmed the bus pass details on the reader provided at the
10. The old Smart Cards issued by M/S Kaizen shall be accepted for replacement up to 31
Jan. 2011 and thereafter only those Smart Card having validity beyond 31
Jan 2011 shall
be replaced as per the validity slip issued.
11. Passengers are requested to keep the receipt issued to them along with the new RF-ID
bus pass while travelling in the buses for the period from 9th January 2011 to 8th February 2011, otherwise the new RF-ID bus pass will be treated as invalid.
Various charges proposed to be levied are as under:
1. For issue of new ID Card cum Bus Pass: Rs.20/-
2. Fare: As applicable for the type of bus pass required.
3. Administrative Charges: Rs. 5/- per month.
4. Issue of duplicate new ID Card cum Bus Pass in case of defective/damaged
card will be Rs. 20/- for new card & Rs. 10/- as administrative charges.
5. The commuters having valid Smart Card issued by the M/S Kaizen shall be
exempted from paying the RF-ID card charges against the refund due out of
the deposit paid for such smart card. The smart card should be in working
6. The charges are liable to change.New Fare Structure ( From 18:30 hrs of 8/9/2010)
Dist Ord/Ltd Express AC-Super AC-EXPRESS
Kms Adults (Rs.) Adults (Rs.) Adults (Rs.) Adults (Rs.)
2 4.00 5.00 10.00 10.00
3 6.00 6.00 15.00 15.00
5 7.00 8.00 15.00 19.00
7 8.00 10.00 20.00 23.00
10 10.00 12.00 25.00 30.00
15 12.00 15.00 30.00 39.00
20 14.00 18.00 35.00 45.00
25 16.00 21.00 40.00 55.00
30 17.00 24.00 50.00 59.00
35 18.00 26.00 60.00 63.00
Rs.2/- for
every addl. 5
Kms or part
Re.3/- for
every addl. 5
Kms or part
Rs.10/- for
every addl. 5
Kms or part
Rs.8/- for
every addl. 5
Kms or part
The above adult bus fares include Nutrition Surcharge Amount of 15 paise.
2) ‘Daily travel as You Like’ Bus Passes
Note: -
Magic Global (All Over): This pass is valid for entire bus operational area. This pass is not
valid on Express, Corridor and Air Conditioned Bus Routes.
Express Global (All Over): This pass is valid for entire bus operational area. This pass is
not valid on Air Conditioned Bus Routes
Sr.No Particulars
1 Information about Bus Pass Scheme
2 New Fare Structure and its Features
Bus Pass Scheme in detail
The Undertaking has introduced RF-ID based ID Card cum Bus Passes for its esteemed
commuters. The ID Card cum Bus Pass will be issued at the authorized Point of Sale (PoS) of the
Undertaking. The details of the scheme are as under:-
i) Distance-wise bus pass values (on Km basis)
Fare (Rs.)
Monthly Quarterly
2 4.00 200 550
3 6.00 240 660
5 7.00 280 770
7 8.00 320 880
10 10.00 400 1100
15 12.00 480 1320
20 14.00 560 1540
ii) Fixed Amount Passes
Type of Pass Monthly(Rs.) Quarterly(Rs.)
Magic Bus Pass (Non-A.C AllOver)550 1500
Global Express (Non-A.C.) 800 2000
Diamond (King Long)-All Over 1500 4000
Diamond (Express)-All Over 2000 5500
Note: -
1. Magic Pass (All Over):- This pass is valid for entire bus operational area. This pass is not
valid on Express, Corridor Express and Air Conditioned Bus Routes.
2. Global Express (All Over):- This pass is valid for entire bus operation. This pass is not
valid on Air Conditioned Bus Routes.3. Diamond-A.C.(All Over):-This pass is valid for entire bus operation of the undertaking,
including King Long Air Conditioned Bus Routes. This pass is not valid on Air Conditioned
Express Bus Routes.
4. Diamond Express-A.C(All Over):- This pass is valid for entire bus operation, and for all
types of services including Air Conditioned Express Services.
5. Bus Pass for Senior Citizens:- The rates will be at a discount of Rs.25/- & 50/- for monthly
and quarterly passes respectively, except Global Express, Diamond, Diamond Express
Bus Passes.
6. Bus Pass for Students :
Students Bus pass
Duration Upto S.S.C. 11th & 12th Std
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Monthly 90 190
Quarterly 270 570
Dedicated Trips for Students Upto SSC:
Type Of Bus Pass Monthly
Upto 10 Kms within MMC Limit 120 360
Above 10 Kms within MMC Limit 220 660
Upto 10 Kms beyond MMC Limit 250 750
Above 10 Kms beyond MMC Limit 350 1050
(Valid between residence and school/college throughout the operational period)
7. Dedicated Trips for Corporate officials (Monthly Passes)
Type of Bus Pass
Within Municipal Limit Beyond Municipal
Upto 10 Kms 650 1500 900 2000
Upto 20 Kms 900 2000 1200 2500
Upto 30 Kms 1200 2500 1500 3000
Upto 40 Kms 1500 3000 1800 3500
Above 40 Kms 1800 3500 2000 4000General Rules & Regulations of the Scheme:
The Bus Pass will be an electronically validated card (RF-ID CARD). All the Bus Passes will
be issued at the authorized centers during the specified timings on cash payment only.
Distance based Bus Pass will be issued to the commuter on demand for travel between
any two valid destinations of his choice up to a distance of maximum 20 Kilometers. The
commuter can opt for maximum two travel patterns for distance up to maximum 20
kilometers for each travel pattern.
Fixed amount Bus Pass will be issued to the commuter on demand, which covers our
entire bus operational area.
Distance based Bus Passes are valid only on Ordinary, and Limited Services. Fixed amount
Bus Passes are valid on the specified category of services only.
Commuters can renew the Bus Pass 7 days in advance as well as on the day he wants to
commence his journey using the Bus Pass on any day during the month. The date of
commencement of the pass could be any day of the month.
The ‘Monthly Bus Pass’ shall be valid for a period of one month, & ‘Quarterly Bus Pass’
would be valid for a period of 3 months. Validity period would be computed from the
date of commencement of the journey recorded on the Bus Pass.
Any number of changeovers en-route, between the opted destinations, is permitted for
all the Bus Pass holders. There shall not be any restriction on the number of journeys
between the opted destinations.
The Bus Pass holder (other than global pass holder) if desires to travel beyond the
destinations specified on the pass, he would be allowed to purchase an extension ticket
from the conductor on board equivalent to the regular ticket fare applicable for the
extended journey distance.
The Bus Pass holders, if carrying chargeable luggage, would be charged appropriate
luggage fare for each journey.
No preferential treatment regarding boarding out of queue or through front exit door or
any other nature whatsoever shall be given to the Bus Pass Holder and he would be
treated on par with other regular ticket holders in all respects except for the Senior
Citizens who by the virtue of the Senior Citizens I-Card issued by the Undertaking would
be allowed to board the buses from the front exit door.
The Bus Pass holder shall not be entitled to any refund for any journey or part of journey
not undertaken by him on any day for any reason whatsoever. The Bus Pass is not transferable under any circumstances.
The Bus Pass found to be misused is liable to be confiscated irrespective of the balanceunutilized period without refund of any charges.
The Bus Pass will be treated as invalid in case not readable through the validating device
of the Undertaking.
A Bus Pass Holder found traveling without a valid Bus Pass will be treated as a ticket less
passenger and will be liable for penalty as per the rules in force.
In case of lost bus pass, the commuter has to get new bus pass by paying all the
applicable charges. The remaining validity period of the old bus pass will not be carried
forward on the new bus pass.
In case of damaged / defective bus pass, the commuter will be issued new bus pass on
returning the old damaged / defective bus pass. Applicable charges would be levied on
the commuter for issuing new bus pass. The remaining validity period of the old bus pass
will be carried forward on the new bus pass if the remaining validity period is more than
15 days.
Issue of Bus Pass by the Undertaking does not mean any assurance towards guaranteed
level of bus service and no claim whatsoever will be entertained towards trips not
undertaken in the event of irregular operations, strikes, stoppage of work, dislocation of
bus services, war, breakdowns, act of god etc.
Administrative Fees of Rs.5 at every instance of fresh issuance / renewal of Monthly Bus
Pass, & Rs.15 at every instance of fresh issuance / renewal of Quarterly Bus Pass would be
charged at the time of issuing / renewing Bus Pass.
The RF-ID card issued will be property of the BEST Undertaking. One Time charge of
Rs.20/- would be charged to the commuters for issuing new RF-ID card.
The students concessional Bus Pass scheme is available only for the students above 12
years of age, and below twenty years or students studying up to 12
Any matter / dispute whatsoever concerning the Bus Passes will be decided in absolute
discretion by the General Manager or any other Officer authorized by him in this behalf.
The General Manager shall have the discretion to make any additions / deletions /
modifications in the rules and conditions governing the scheme of Bus Pass without giving
any reason / notice to the Bus Pass holders and the rules / conditions so modified shall be
binding on the Bus Pass Holders. The Undertaking may withdraw or discontinue or modify or alter the scheme of Bus Pass
without any prior intimation. However, due information will be given through leading
newspapers for the information of the pass holders.
The procedure for the issue of Photo ID cum Bus Pass at PoS is as under:
1. Please visit the nearest Point of Sale (PoS). For renewal of existing bus passes please visit
4 days in advance for getting new RF-ID based bus pass.
2. Furnish the required details on the application form available at the PoS, and hand it over
to the operator at the counter. In case the commuter is already having active Smart Card
issued by M/S Kaizen, the card no. & paper ID should also be informed.
3. The operator shall arrange to capture the photograph at the location.
4. The commuter has option of submitting copy of the photograph if desired so. This facility
can also be used in case the commuter himself cannot visit the PoS.
5. The commuter is required to give the details of type of bus pass required to the operator
so as to work out the charges as applicable to the commuter. The charges will include the
cost of ID card, fare as applicable & administrative charges. For the present Smart Card
holders, including students, having active smart card in working condition and security
deposit paid, the cost of ID card shall be waived in lieu of the refund due out of the
security deposit paid for it.
6. On confirmation from commuter, the amount due shall be collected by the operator and
a provisional receipt for same shall be issued. The commuter is required to check the
details, and the due date for receiving the new RF-ID Card from the same PoS.
7. On the due date the commuters are required to deposit the provisional receipt & active
smart card (for present Smart Card holders only) at the same PoS where the photograph
was captured / deposited on the due date as indicated on the receipt.
8. The ID card cum pass shall be activated as per type of bus pass selected and handed over
to the commuter along with the final receipt. In case of present smart card holders if
smart card found defective / damaged or not deposited along with the provisional
receipt, additional charges for new issue as applicable shall be collected.9. The commuter should get confirmed the bus pass details on the reader provided at the
10. The old Smart Cards issued by M/S Kaizen shall be accepted for replacement up to 31
Jan. 2011 and thereafter only those Smart Card having validity beyond 31
Jan 2011 shall
be replaced as per the validity slip issued.
11. Passengers are requested to keep the receipt issued to them along with the new RF-ID
bus pass while travelling in the buses for the period from 9th January 2011 to 8th February 2011, otherwise the new RF-ID bus pass will be treated as invalid.
Various charges proposed to be levied are as under:
1. For issue of new ID Card cum Bus Pass: Rs.20/-
2. Fare: As applicable for the type of bus pass required.
3. Administrative Charges: Rs. 5/- per month.
4. Issue of duplicate new ID Card cum Bus Pass in case of defective/damaged
card will be Rs. 20/- for new card & Rs. 10/- as administrative charges.
5. The commuters having valid Smart Card issued by the M/S Kaizen shall be
exempted from paying the RF-ID card charges against the refund due out of
the deposit paid for such smart card. The smart card should be in working
6. The charges are liable to change.New Fare Structure ( From 18:30 hrs of 8/9/2010)
Dist Ord/Ltd Express AC-Super AC-EXPRESS
Kms Adults (Rs.) Adults (Rs.) Adults (Rs.) Adults (Rs.)
2 4.00 5.00 10.00 10.00
3 6.00 6.00 15.00 15.00
5 7.00 8.00 15.00 19.00
7 8.00 10.00 20.00 23.00
10 10.00 12.00 25.00 30.00
15 12.00 15.00 30.00 39.00
20 14.00 18.00 35.00 45.00
25 16.00 21.00 40.00 55.00
30 17.00 24.00 50.00 59.00
35 18.00 26.00 60.00 63.00
Rs.2/- for
every addl. 5
Kms or part
Re.3/- for
every addl. 5
Kms or part
Rs.10/- for
every addl. 5
Kms or part
Rs.8/- for
every addl. 5
Kms or part
The above adult bus fares include Nutrition Surcharge Amount of 15 paise.
2) ‘Daily travel as You Like’ Bus Passes
Note: -
Magic Global (All Over): This pass is valid for entire bus operational area. This pass is not
valid on Express, Corridor and Air Conditioned Bus Routes.
Express Global (All Over): This pass is valid for entire bus operational area. This pass is
not valid on Air Conditioned Bus Routes